Who doesn’t like music? I’m really tempted to type this question into Google. I’m not kidding. Only the limitless chasm of cyberspace could possibly contain the answer to this question. It’s probably some kind of weird disorder like ‘cantstandatuneaphobia’ or something equally unpronounceable with a crippling number of syllables. The real answer to this question in my subjective mind is: No one. There can’t possibly be anyone in the whole wide world that doesn’t like a good ol’ beat, bop, riff or well practiced paradiddle! If it’s the wail of a Dave Gilmore guitar solo that brings a tear to your eye or the polka antics of Frankie Yankovic that has you prancing about the room in your lederhosen, there really is something for everyone out there. Surely EVERY taste is catered for? Ok, I’m too tempted; I’m going to Google it. I must be missing something.
So Phil Collins doesn’t like music! He said so himself according to his daughter Lily. This must be a typo. 7 Grammy’s and 150 million albums sold and in the top 20 richest musicians in Britain; a legend of the industry and you don’t like music? I’m suspecting that since he said this only recently and has been suffering emotionally and psychologically of late, this is not to be taken as how he’s always felt. I’m going with that.
Anyone else? There are a few it seems but I might have been onto something earlier on. It’s a disorder. If you couldn’t care less about Mr Jones, Mrs Robinson or Dr Strangelove it could be because you suffer from amusia. A test group in Spain was invited to the University of Barcelona and they were told to bring along a few CD’s or mp3’s of their favourite tunes. A handful of the group arrived without even a single note from an Axel, Iggy or even any of the Bobs. Bizarre. They had no music at all! They exist, believe it or not, and they can’t hear a musical tone. The test proved they show zero emotion to any musical stimulus. Even Nessun Dorma could shift them! That’s AMUSIA for you. So that guy that won’t dance at the wedding, he’s no wallflower, it’s just that he would rather cut a piece of cake than cut some rug. Music just doesn’t move him, but food does, and that’s ok. Or is it?
If you’re like me, and having music all around you is a bit like your need for air to breathe, then let me know! Also, what do you like listening to? And if the Fab Four, Foo Fighters and Fatboy Slim sound more like WWE Wrestlers to you, we want to hear from you anyway!