If you are trying to make sense of world politics, then Politico’s 50 Ideas latest release for you.
It is an uncomplicated explanation of some of the most influential people and their ideas that are shaping the current global landscape.
This does not mean they are necessarily right – the ideas, that is – but they are certainly shaping the kind of world we are living in.
We highly recommend everyone to read it. Often we make the statement: “Someone should do something about that”. But that “someone” should be us. However , we can’t “do something”
if we are not well-informed. Understanding what you’re up against is very necessary.
So take a moment to educate yourself.
Some of the key ideas and individuals in the 50 include former White House Strategist (to President Trump), Mr. Steve Bannon, who has been dubbed: “The man who got us here”.
This rings true in many respects. His thinking, strategy and advice played a key role in steering the Trump ship, until his recent resignation from the White House.
Another major figure in world politics is German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, who is described as “The New Leader of the Free World”.
Given her recent election results, one wonders if ‘leading the free world’, will be that easy.
One gets the sense that there are a few other issues to navigate for the Chancellor.
Merkel is described as having been “underestimated her entire life, starting with her upbringing in East Germany. She went on to earn a doctorate in quantum chemistry, and she approaches politics with the exactitude of her scientific training: sizing up a situation carefully, weighing her options exhaustively and only then deciding on a course of action.”
At the end of it, you’ll have a snippet of those that are shaping our worldviews and popular culture.
The full list is available here.
These are leaders and people of influence who are currently creating the society that we live in but it’s important to recognise that over time the role players will change, different ideas will come to the forefront and structures of government will rise and fall. Politics and those who set legislation are impermanent and, while they can have an enormous impact, you can not build your whole life on something that may well shift and change. The Bible tells us that God is unchanging; Who He was yesterday He will still be tomorrow. When the leaders and structures of this world seem to be unstable and shifting, we can find stability and something we can place our trust in, in a relationship with God.
If you would like to know more about how you can connect with God in a real and meaningful way, please leave a message or click on the link.