It’s the start of a new year, and the thing I love the most about the beginning of a year, is that the year is filled with potential. We have no idea what the year will hold, yet we dream and plan about what it could be. For some this might be the year they finally get that raise, for others it might be having their first child. As it stands the realm of what is possible this year seems endless.
But potential is a funny thing; potential will only ever be potential until you act on it. Potential isn’t something that an elite few of us have either, it is something we are all born with. We all have potential, potential to do anything we want.
A friend of mine once asked me this question: “Where in the world would you find the most potential?”, to which I immediately replied with the name of a company and when he said no, I continued to ramble off names of successful companies. But the answer was still no, he said “…the greatest place to find potential isn’t in a company, it is in a graveyard.” Now obviously reading this you are probably as confused as I was at the time. But let me explain it a little bit: you see we all have potential and the choice to use it or not, but the problem is that many people are too scared to ever take that leap of faith and chase the dream they have. We often settle for what is comfortable and easy, but we should believe that God has called us to do great things and that if He is with us and for us, then no one can be against us.
Graveyards are filled with potential that was never fulfilled; people lived with the potential they were gifted with, but instead of using it, took it to the grave with them. We will never know who those people could have been or what they might have been able to achieve.
So this year don’t allow yourself to be one of those people, realize that you have the potential to do great things, not because I say so, but because the God of the universe does. So make a choice to be bold and brave, to step out of your comfort zone and be all that God has called you to be.
You never know what is possible until you try it!
Make this year your best year yet.
Potential, I GOT THAT