People have power. This is a scary fact to me, that there is very little that cannot be achieved by human beings today. The fact that I can put words on a screen using this black slab of letters in front of me, should be slightly more awe inspiring than it is!. Someone thought of, designed, created, and distributed it, and here I am, clicking and clacking away. How much thought have you put into the car that you drive? Every nut, bolt, washer, and plastic and steel moulding, was thought up, cast, connected and voila, you add petrol, water, and oil and off she goes. God has imprinted man with seemingly unending skills and abilities and one generation simply builds on what went before, and that seems to have no end. It boggles my mind.
There’s another ‘power’ that lurks deep in the heart of man, and unearthing it would change the world. Some people are already toying with this power and the consequences are effecting the lives of many. More and more people are trying to release others to do the same but it’s all happening rather slowly, but I say; power to the people!
1 John 4:11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another
The power of love. Because we were first loved by God, we have the ability to love. God’s love is assured, so now let the power of love be released from within and change the world around you. Through the Father’s heart for the world and it’s people there is no longer a need to wonder whether or not you ought to be released to change your area of influence, because you have been commissioned to do it. Let your love show; let the world see that you are Jesus’ disciples because you love one another as you are loved. (John 13:35) Let the love spur you on to do good deeds and may God get the glory! (Matt 5:16)
Take a look at your area of influence; where you live, work, play or go to school. Who do you see around you? Who needs to experience the touch of God today? It’s not the responsibility of others, because you are where you are, to see the Kingdom of God come. Step out today and make it happen and see not only another life effected positively, but yours changed too. Jesus Himself said it’s better to give than to receive. (Acts 20:35) The only way to be sure that is true is to give it a go. I double dare you!