Do you know the difference between a reaction versus a response? In our lives, we all face different situations that can trigger an emotion in us. It could be anger, frustration, anxiety or fear. There are two ways in which we can deal with these things. We can either react or respond. The choice is ours.

You may think a reaction and a response are the same thing. But they are not. Recently I was walking with a friend and we were talking about a situation they were facing. They turned to me and said, “I’ve decided not to react, I’ll rather respond.” It hit me so profoundly that there is actually quite a difference between the two. Here’s what I mean:

Reaction requires little forethought

When we react to something, it’s often the first thing we think or feel that comes out of our mouths. For instance, if someone gives you a fright, your natural reaction is to scream or jump. Reactions often happen automatically and we may be shocked by what comes out of our mouths.

Responding takes time

If you are going to respond to an email, it takes a lot more time than if you just react to it. Responding requires the discipline to stop for a moment, gather your thoughts and think through what you want to say.

Very often, the key to success in relationships in our lives is knowing the difference between a reaction and a response. If we can react less and respond more, we will get along with more people and enjoy great friendships with those around us.

The next time someone cuts you off in traffic or sends a snotty email, take a minute and decide to respond rather than react.

Self-control plays a big part in our ability to respond instead of reacting. I always need God’s help to respond correctly to those around me. If you need help in this area and want to get closer to God, simply click on the banner below or on the pop up.