I’ve started learning recently that sometimes my reality is not what I’ve expected – however, at the same time, reality often matches my expectation! A weird, thought, I know. Let me explain:
I have been challenged by the thought of trying to raise my expectation, while not losing sight of the fact that there is a reality to deal with or come back to.
In one sense you want to expect the best; you believe for the best – but in another sense the reality is that sometimes things just don’t work out the way you expected them to.
Of course reality isn’t always negative – sometimes your reality could be great, in which case you may want to raise your expectation and in order to keep growing and expanding.
However, you should never expect the least – you need to always expect the best, while staying in touch with your reality. Sometimes expectations are met; other times, your current reality serves as a season of preparation for when you eventually step into something else.
Too often, when our expectations aren’t met initially, we become discouraged or disheartened. In times like these it’s important to take a step back and think about the progress you’ve made. What was once not even a reality, now is a reality.