I am constantly amazed by the rate at which innovations are increasing in the age we are living in today. You don’t even have to be a ‘tech geek’ to appreciate the importance of technologies that are being developed in every sphere of life. Even more striking is the connectedness which many of these innovations allow. I try and picture what it was like for people in the old days where important communal gatherings were announced by way of smoke signals and when people traveled by donkey or foot to get to hear the words of great men. Reading the Bible as I like to do, I see the stories of multitudes journeying for days to hear Jesus Christ and the great prophets give speeches. How times have changed.
In our day, if I want to hear the teachings of men who inspire me like John C. Maxwell on leadership or have access to a great interview by legendary interviewer Larry King, I don’t have to pack food, load the clan onto donkeys and camels and trek across deserts and nations for months to get to them. All I have to do is pick up my little mobile phone, go online and follow them on Twitter or stream their stuff on YouTube. If not that, I can walk a few minutes to my local bookstore and pick up their books and check out what they have to say without ever having met them.
The statistics say that cellular phone usage in Africa is growing at a faster rate than on any other continent. Cellular network and technological hardware providers are seeing great potential for growth on our continent and companies like Samsung project five-fold profits over the next few years. That’s staggering…
But the question is, with so much wisdom made more easily accessible to us with each passing moment, are we taking advantage of it?
I strongly believe there just isn’t any reason for us as a continent to remain where we are and allow the rest of the world to keep despising us. We really have no excuse and it’s up to us to refuse to fail. If we fail to use this rapidly increasing access to our advantage and pull ourselves out of our present situation, we will only have ourselves to blame.
Our future is bright. But we have to be the first ones to believe it.
Taking this to a deeper spiritual level, God promises in the Bible that He has really great plans for us and and that He doesn’t want us to fail. This is not to say that we will never meet disappointment and moments of failure along the way, but the overall story of our lives will be one of success in what our purpose is designed to be. If you would like to be acquainted with a God who is interested in your success, please click on the banner below.