Morning breaks with the last clap of thunder. A gentle breeze of lemon fresh dew drifts through the air on large open fields, preparing the way for the rooster to announce the much awaited arrival of Sir Daybreak. Rupert the Bear, Bill Badger and Edward Trunk break into chorus as they begin singing, “Morning has broken like the first morning…” Cheer & joy fill the air with melodies from Heaven as these animal friends journey on yet another fun filled adventure!!
Spring! It would have to be my favorite season of all time!! It speaks of freshness, newness, joy, happiness, all things new, all things bright and brilliant. Spring is my happy place, the place of rest for my soul. Look, I don’t completely despise the other seasons, I just have a natural gravitation towards the more happy, more fun seasons, summer included.
Rupert and his friends were enjoying each other’s company under the trees in the spring breeze, playing a cheerful game of hop scotch. When suddenly an unexpected turn of events took place! The clouds rolled in and became angry. The wind drew deep breaths and hurled violent threats at them! The ground shook and threatened their very lives!!
What do you do when autumn/fall suddenly threatens your amazing ‘summer of life’? What if the coldest and most evil of winters suddenly snatches up every last ounce of joy and happiness you possess, and turns your beautiful summer into a life changing, and potential disastrous winter? How do YOU deal with life when it becomes completely unpredictable and unfavorable towards you?
We want to hear how the story ends for you. If winter is consuming you right now, then we would like to help you to bring spring back into your life. Get in touch with us and tell us what’s on your mind.