What does peace mean?

When we hear the word, I think most of us tend to think of a definition along the lines of ‘an absence of violence’. But I think it is a lot more than that.


I love the Jewish definition of the word ‘Shalom’ which is often translated in the bible simply as ‘peace’. But it means so much more.

Shalom is more a combination of completeness, soundness, welfare and peace.  It is both applicable to an external lack of violence between two entities, as well as the presence of an inner sense of well-being and peace within an individual.

When you think of two small children fighting. Our simple idea of peace is that the conflict would end. But the idea of a biblical Shalom would see a restored relationship and friendship emerging in addition to that. How much more beautiful a concept is that?

Our world is definitely in need of this kind of Shalom in so many places, right?


As I sit down to write this, I am looking forward to an event that is happening tonight. It is a story-telling and thank-you session for a group of people who volunteered as Peace Justice Witnesses on different university campuses. In the last few months as student protests disrupted and threatened to lead to violence in South Africa, a number of people signed up to be agents of peace and hopefully de-escalation at our places of learning.

In some ways we saw that it was very successful. At other times not so much. But overall there have been stories that have come out from many different places of how these PJW teams had a positive impact.

I believe that part of the success was that we were not simply interested in peace. We sought Shalom. (Perhaps we should change our name to Shalom Justice Witnesses?) But more than just wanting violence not to happen, we had a deep desire to see conversation between staff and students, to seek solutions together and pave new ways going forwards. I guess we will only know in 2017 how successful those were, but for now it feels like there has been great progress.

I look forward to celebrating with those volunteers tonight because Shalom is an amazing thing to seek together.


We head into a new year, after what has been a terribly difficult 2016 for many people. A question each of us would do well to answer, is, ‘Where will I seek to bring Shalom in 2017?’

Is there a family relationship that requires assistance? An issue in my community that could use my voice or presence? Is there even perhaps a matter of national significance that I should get more involved in?

Before we enter 2017, we will celebrate Christmas. A time to remember that God stepped into the world. To usher in Shalom. More than simply wanting to put a stop to the animosity that existed between Himself and mankind, He wanted to offer something new. Calling it the Kingdom of God, Jesus spoke of a new way of doing things.

Instead of the selfish and greedy ways that the world seemed to gravitate towards, Jesus demonstrated firstly by serving and then by dying, that a greater world was possible. One where the first would be last. Where those who had been pushed to the side, would be seen and acknowledged and raised up.

Does that sound like something you’d like to know more about?