Flip, the world can be complicated!
There are so many new terms for identity. There are so many new causes and nuances of opinion to have on varied, ever-shifting battlefields. We live in a time when self-consciousness has become social consciousness. Where the blame has been shifted wholly on others for anything that might make us feel insecure.
In the mix, we also have more opportunity than ever to self-define. We can dictate multifaceted profiles on social media to try to impress with our identity. It’s no longer just ‘what you do’, ‘how you look’ or ‘who you know’. All of these elements are now considered a direct reflexion of our identity – which has never been the case before.
I believe we are in danger of losing the very essence of ourselves in the confusion of this world. Everything is becoming blurred – and we are in danger not only of losing our grasp on what ‘truth’ is, but also losing our grasp of who we are.
There are so many dangers to our generation – with multiple elements that could ultimately make us the most ineffective demographic on the planet. But God has a different vision for us. And I want to highlight one descriptor of our identity that would change everything else:
Now don’t switch off because you don’t want a lecture on sex before marriage or something. Purity doesn’t only pertain to sex or even addiction. Purity is choosing to live in the simple truth rather than the shadowlands of shifting ‘fact’ and emotion.
If we see our identity as pure – filtering the loud opinions of everyone else and working with the unadulterated facts about yourself that no one else knows. If you peel back all of the layers – everything you have witnessed, everything that has happened to you or around you – who were you before that all. As a small child, what were the core elements that made up your identity.
You see, these days people are self-identifying out of reaction. Whether it’s offense or conformity, there is pressure to label yourself with something that will help other people in their ‘consciousness’.
Is your view of yourself pure? Is it uncomplicated and simple?
The only way I believe we can live fully secure in who we are is by knowing the One who created us. He made us individually with specific intention, for you to be yourself. He wants you to be free – free from confusion and from others’ opinions. Click on the link to find out more.