One Sunday evening while getting ready to play on stage for one of our church’s evening services, I got a little hungry but didn’t want something that was going to fill me, rather just something to nibble on. So, the first thing I chose to eat was a muffin, but for some strange reason that day, I was just not in the mood for a muffin. And so, after one bite, I put the muffin down in search for something else that I could possibly nibble on…
I finally found an apple in the communal fridge, but I’m not really so keen on eating apples that are cold (yes I happen to be a little picky), but I didn’t have enough time to just wait for the apple to warm itself down to room temperature. However, I did have some creative friends. Yes! You’ve just gotz to love them creative friends, and I happen to have a couple who really seem to think far out of the box…
As you can see in the pic, my friend thought it would be a good idea to use the heat from the toaster to warm the apple up so that it could reach room temperature quicker… The best part of this whole story is that it worked.. Yes! It actually really worked, 3-5min later I was enjoying a room “temperatured” apple…
And then it hit me… Sometimes in life, we find ourselves lacking various things and we could either let these lacks overtake our joy and make us miserable, or we could become creative and do something about our limitations…
That is what Pulse is about… We wanna help you see life from a different perspective, we want you to start thinking creatively so that you do not lose the joy in your life because of the restrictions that may be on you, but rather add the joy in others’ lives.
We know you’ll enjoy the journey and we certainly hope you share it with others!!
Let’s Spread The Love
Pulse Show