Shoot me, but Oprah has always been my celebrity motivation. I’ve never wanted to be a Kim Kardashian. I’ve never wished I had hair like Jennifer Aniston (ok, wait that’s not true), I’ve never been into the whole ‘if only I looked like, what’s the girl with the dimples in the Notebook?’ Anyway, her. I’ve always wanted to be someone who helped people in their life, who saw the spiritual behind the physical. Who cared about things which are “deep.”
I recently stumbled onto Oprah’s Soul Sunday website. I really should have known better because now I’ve just watched 7 YouTube videos and I can sense my internet running out faster than a plate of bacon in a room of rugby boys. But it’s so good. I love spiritual stuff and she interviews pastors and people who have written books and she asks questions about things which matter. Nobody does that on TV these days. All they talk about is American politics, or sex, or fashion.
No, I am not a pretend marketeer for Soul Sunday. I am just a new convert (to Oprah’s show, not Jesus. Jesus and I have been chilling for years). It’s the “I found a new song” euphoria. Well, I found the new show.
Just a moment ago I started binge watching Oprah interview Rob Bell (an American pastor, or ex-pastor, I’m not too sure). Anyway, I thought I would share some of the BIG question and answer sessions which the show showcased as maybe you will be interested in some of the questions too.
Oprah: What is the soul?
The thing that keeps telling you there is more. There is more. It’s like you can hear a song in another room, and you can only hear a little bit but it’s so beautiful. And it makes you curious and then you want more and you try to find the room and you try to open the window and turn the knobs. And then you get into the room and you turn the volume up and it’s so lovely you open the windows so all the neighbours can hear.
What is the difference between religion and spirituality?
Religion should be the practice that helps you cultivate your sense that there is more. It’s the practice, the structure, rituals, the way you navigate that sense of more.
What does prayer mean to you?
Yes, I’m open. What’s next?
What lesson has taken you the longest to learn?
There is nothing to prove, rather enjoy.
What do you think happens when we die?
There’s a huge “ohhhhh” and you get to meet the people who you never met, family, heritage, those who came before you.
Do you think you’ll see them?
Their essence.
What do you know for sure?
You can say yes to the moment now and experience a joy that can’t be put into words.
The world needs….
all of us to wake up.
I believe that we
are going to be fine.
Heaven is
available and real. Like when you forgive someone, when you stand up for injustice. In that moment you are bringing heaven to earth.
God is…
My favourite thing to do on Sunday morning….
Surf with my 13 year old son.
Cool, right? And interesting. What do you think your answers would be to some of these questions? What do you know for sure? What do you think God is, do you think he’s love or do you think he’s cruel? What do you think happens when we die?
The best way to find answers to these questions is to look for them. And pray, ask God if he is real and to show himself to you in some way. We don’t always find all the answers to all the questions on the earth, but we find joy, peace and understanding which counts for everything. Go do some research. Read a Bible. Life is more than Kim K’s nose, and you don’t want to miss out.