Over the weekend, the biggest winner at the 2015 Grammy Awards was English singer-songwriter Sam Smith. He walked with awards in four categories, three of them being major ones: Record of the Year, Song of the Year and Best New Artist. Smith won Song of the Year for his hit Stay With Me, a melancholic soulful piece that seems to both celebrate and mourn love. I sat down and listened to the song over the weekend (I’d not listened to it intently before but had only heard it in passing) and it brought up some interesting emotions. One thing it brought to surface emotionally, particularly through the lyrics, is that life, no matter who you are, is hard.
The song, I imagine, deals with the desperation of asking someone to stay and yet the relationship itself is not founded in anything deep or substantial.
“This ain’t love, it’s clear to see
But darling, stay with me”
Do you see the contradiction in these words? It’s quite striking. Why ask someone to stay when there is no love to speak of? In a way, this is symbolic of life and the desperation for warmth we all often feel. Life is full of contradictions. There are things we wish we could be but then daily we are confronted with who we are. There is peace and joy we wish we could attain but when we wake up each morning, we can’t escape the emptiness and desolation we feel.
How often in our lives do we settle for second best? We let people walk over us and somehow convince ourselves that we don’t deserve the very best.
Whether we admit it or not, there is someone who came to show us that we deserve the very best. He has pointed us to a way of life and new way of thinking that can transform us and fill us up inside. He’ll stay with us and has stayed with humanity all along, in spite of how much we’ve ignored him and dragged his name through the mud. His simple reason for staying? He loves us.
We want you to discover and know the kind of unconditional love we’re talking about. Click on the banner below and join us on a journey to knowing this true love. Please don’t wait another minute.