Sometimes we go through seasons that leave us feeling trapped. Disappointments, hurt , fear, shame, and guilt sits with us and weighs on us. What’s more is that in those dark moments, we become silent, and secretly let those thoughts and emotions eat away at us. We feel as though we can’t verbalise it, because maybe we feel ashamed; maybe we fear feeling misunderstood; or maybe we feel like we don’t want to burden others with our problems. Maybe, just maybe, we even think we can man it on our own.
When we choose to live like this, we allow ourselves to live in a very lonely, isolated, and dark space. Those dark spaces have the power to emotionally cripple us and will prevent us from moving forward and overcoming trying seasons. Even though I am a Christian and I believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit does not mean that I have it all together, and that my life is perfect. We are all human, and life gets real and it can be a hard world to live in sometimes. There are days where I move forward with hope, courage, love, joy, and confidence, knowing that God is with me through it all. Then there are times where my default setting is to withdraw, isolate myself, and let my fearful, anxious thoughts get the better of me.
However, when I hit a low like that, I know I need to lift my head and heart heaven-ward. I know that I need to step through those dark spaces and move towards the light, towards God. When we decide to step up and out of those dark spaces, something starts to change within us. Our hope, faith, and courage starts to build as we move forward holding onto the very presence and promises of God.
Deciding to move forward requires an action from us. It requires us to get up on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level. Every determined step to move closer towards living in the light will build up our faith, hope, and courage. Which in turn will change our attitudes and perceptions regarding our situations. It will give us the courage to forgive and let go; it will empower us to speak and declare life over our situations.
I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13
Don’t let your darker seasons confine you. Be brave enough to step into the light and to take a step towards God. If this post spoke to you and you would like to know more about living in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, then click on the link below.