If you are unwilling to risk the unusual; you will have to settle for the ordinary. Jim Rohn
This statement sounds a bit harsh but it’s plain truth. Yesterday we published an article entitled “Don’t quit”. In that article, we encouraged you to make sure you keep your dreams alive as having a vision of where you’re going is the first step towards fulfilling that vision. You can find that article here. However, having a dream, a plan, is just one of the many elements needed in pursuing a great venture and seeing it to fulfillment. If you’re serious about seeing your dream see the light of day and flourish in this competitive world, then some of the things you will have to do will require you to take risks and stretch your limits.
One particular group of people who plainly illustrate stretching limits and defying the norms as far as sport is concerned, is the group of those who gave themselves the liberty and boldness to explore extreme sports. Just imagine yourself floating high up in the air, at thousands of meters away from the ground, with not much guarantee that the parachute on your back will work as expected. Terrifying thought isn’t it! But someone out there has had the boldness to have this thrilling experience. In whatever sphere you are operating in, think for a moment and ask yourself these questions:
- How can I make my work unique?
- How can I break through into what has not been done yet?
- How can I explore options that no one has yet dared to explore?
Stretch your thinking, your creativity and capacity to do what you are already doing. Taking risks is not meant to be some reckless activity, but something that should only be done when you’ve taken the appropriate time to research on whatever your product or activity is. Think, seek advice, do an experiment if you can, and then decide to launch yourself into it.
When it comes to stirring that champion in us, and inspiring us to challenge ourselves beyond our perceived limitations, the highest selling energy drink organisation Red Bull has done an amazing job through its adverts. Below is one. As you watch it, allow to it to inspire you:
If striving to achieve a great dream is what you desire but find that every time you’re about to move forward with an idea or a plan, you’re gripped by fear, we’d like to help you break through this pattern. We believe in a God whose love alone can cast out fear and set you up for a life where you are confident in yourself and what you are capable of. We invite you to click on the banner below and have a look at a video in which we share more on God.