Are you wondering if you’ll survive your family this Christmas? It’s the holiday season and you may find yourself spending some time with relatives and extended family. This is good news for some of us but for others, it may be a time that you dread.

Perhaps your family relationships are strained. Families can be a great source of joy but they can also be a source of pain. If you are dreading upcoming family interactions, don’t worry. This post can provide some helpful hints on how to stay sane this holiday season.

Setting boundaries will keep you sane.

Know your limits when it comes to family interaction. If you struggle to get along with a certain member, limit the amount of time you spend with them. Make your rounds and chat to other family members. Keep interaction with strained family members brief but polite.

Choose your words wisely.

If you know talk about politics gets people hot under the collar, then stay away from that topic of conversation. Some people are sensitive about politics, religion or their season in life. If you know this, then stay away from those topics. It’s not worth getting into an argument over.

They say you can choose your friends but not your family and that is true. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean that your family relationships have to remain strained. Before a family function, pray and ask God to help you love them. Ask Him to help you see them through His eyes. And if all else fails, ask Him to help you bite your tongue.

If you are facing a strained family time this Christmas, I am praying for you!

God is never far away and is always ready to help us when we need Him. If your family has been a source of pain, God can heal your heart. To speak to someone about this, click on the pop up or on the link below.