We often get caught up with working hard, getting things done and all the day-to-day rush that we forget that our bodies do need some rest once in a while. Even sportsmen take time out to rest, then prepare for the next season of a tournament or competition, students also take time out after their exams…There are lots of examples I can give.
This time of the year we are all highly exhausted and looking forward to resting and spending quality time with our friends and family.
What are the signs that its time for you to rest and take some time out?
I have a few practical tips that work for me EVERY TIME. These tips have never let me down. Since I’m a nice lady, I would like to share what works for me.
1. Learn to know when you need a break. Clues and signs are often there. Some other people will start mentioning that you seem tired or upset.
2. Sit down and relax your shoulders. Common areas of tension are shoulders, back and neck but by stopping and thinking about how your body feels you will learn about how your body is coping. Listen to your body.
3. Write a list or think of things you really love doing and plan when to do them. Go for a long walk or go jogging. Exercise, sports is a very good way of de-stressing; this will help you with the stress.
4. Think of something totally different to do. A new hobby to take up, a place you’ve never been to before (even if it’s the local art gallery), visit local charity organizations etc. A new activity always gets one excited and it will help to take you out of that “BUSY” routine and may give you a new energy for life.
5. Plan a fun activity. It may be a family picnic, hiking or team sports. If it’s something you want to do alone then go ahead and spend time with yourself.
6. Surround yourself with people who you know are often calm or very organised.We can learn so much from other people if we just ask and a lot of the time they may be able to give you very simple tips to apply.
7. Try out some relaxation techniques and eating healthy. Muscle relaxation is often successful for noticing which parts of your body really need to relax and you can teach yourself how to do this. Another very simple technique is to lie face down on the floor and see how you feel – being at your lowest physically can give you the drive to know you need a break. Or even better go to a day spa to pamper yourself. Remember to eat healthy and drink lots of water.
8. Stop pretending everything is OK. Maybe speaking to another busy friend from work would help and you could find something fun and calming to do together.
9. Remind yourself that you will not always feel this way and everything comes to an end. Once you have learnt how to recognize that you need a break it will get easier every time. Stop, Relax and Start again.
10. Sleep. When I was a kid, I never liked taking naps, but now that I’m older I understand the importance of sleep. So the more you sleep, the better your body is able to function.
Taking time out will mean your work is more effective, your family see a happier and calmer you and it may help to put your personal problems in a different light.