Why is it that our hearts and minds are at constant war with one another? Often we find ourselves trying to overcome a way of thinking or feeling by confronting lies that have strong roots in our lives. Lies often sneak into our minds on the sly, often we hardly take note of them, yet, we still somehow entertain them and let them take root in our hearts.
Sometimes, with obvious lies, we can easily disregard them and dismiss them as being ludicrous. However, it’s those sneaky lies that slip through the cracks that we need to look out for.
These sneaky lies have a way of making us feel insecure – less than – and also cause us to doubt and to lack self-esteem and confidence. These lies become a distraction, and cause us to feel confused and totally lost. You see inside all of us is someone longing to “believe, to have hope, to feel worthy, and courageous of our calling.” But when we have deceitful lies rooted into our being, our minds and all of the unhealthy negative lies shapes and controls our actions. It can be frustrating at times, because we want to believe in the best, but our thought patterns and negative ways of thinking emotionally cripple us into believing something that is not true or not the case at all.
“You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.”
― Joyce Meyer
Train your brain
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. – 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5
In the above Bible passage Paul is encouraging us to destroy strongholds with the help of God. Strongholds become mental blocks in our lives, that end up consuming and controlling us. Overcoming a negative stronghold means learning how to: identify a lie, followed by learning how to overcome it by replacing it with Gods truth.
Here are a few helpful pointers to help you to overcome those sneaky deceitful lies:
- Be aware of the lie.
- Do not feed it and meditate on it.
- Replace the lie with a truth, and give yourself the benefit of the doubt.
- Find powerful truths in Gods word (the Bible) and make note of verses that speaks of God love, kindness, goodness and the good thoughts that He has towards you.
- Speak Gods truth out aloud of you, and declare it over your life.
- Surrounded yourself with loved ones who will constantly speak life, courage and hope into your doubting mind and heart.
If you feel like your mind and heart are constantly at war, making you feel mentally and emotionally exhausted, then may I encourage you to reach out to God and to ask Him to help you to be able decipher between lies and truth. Do not let the lies of the enemy trick you into living a life that is less than!