I recently celebrated my #coughovernumber ‘th birthay! It was a day that started slowly, but by the end it was yet another great day of being celebrated.

I have quite a huge number of Facebook ‘friends’ and so there are 200 to 250 messages that come in. The majority of them say two words: Happy Birthday. Which is great – it’s great that people remembered or were notified by Facebook (only way I ‘remember’ 95% of birthdays myself) and did something. But by the seventh just ‘Happy Birthday’ it becomes old quite quickly.


What stood out for me were all the messages where you could tell someone made a huge effort – an overly cheesy video which included lip-synching with kids from an old college friend, a meme created with a saying over my Instagram photo from a good buddy of mine, or a message mentioning something about me that they like or are inspired by or want to celebrate. Those are the messages that really make a difference.

This reminded me to make sure that I make a special effort when it is someone else having a birthday. If I am ever reduced to only being able to write the two words ‘Happy Birthday’ then I’d rather not write a message at all. I want that person  to know I was thinking about them and had more in me for them than 13 characters to type.


But writing about this on a day that’s not my birthday got me thinking even further. As much as I like receiving those kinds of messages on my birthday, there is a sense of expectation (hopefully not entitlement) that comes along with it. How much MORE meaningful will a message like that be on a day that’s not my birthday?

So I am committing myself to creating moments this year to celebrate people not on their birthdays. With fun pictures and silly memes and “I see you” moments that just let them know they are special, they are loved and they are cared for. But more importantly I want to speak works to people. Because words, the right words, can bring life.

Taking moments to recognise character in people. To call out their gifts and talents, especially when it’s in areas that aren’t normally celebrated or noticed by the world. I want to highlight patience and humility, kindness and generosity, people who give freely of their time and those who are really good listeners.


I want to encourage you to do the same. Continue with the birthday messages and make them count on that special day. But also be looking out every day for opportunities to speak life into those around you.

Maybe it’s the person who cleans your office who goes largely unnoticed or appreciated. Stop her, look her directly in the eyes and let her know of your appreciation with gushing words.  Maybe it’s someone in your family who you haven’t spoken to for a while. Someone who would really appreciate just hearing from you, let alone the uplifting words you can send their way.

There is so much negativity in the world, on the news and too often on social media as well. Imagine if we could be a part of turning that around by choosing to use words that give life and giving them when they are lest expected.

To take it to yet another level, why not write something down. We tend to get all our information on screens these days, but a written note we are not expecting can really provided a much needed boost.

This really is the best ‘birthday gift’ – the one you receive when it’s not your birthday. Let’s conspire together to change the world of those around us, even if for just a moment.