It’s about a month ago that everybody wished each other a happy new year and all the best for 2014. Now, it’s almost February and I have another wish for you:
I wish everybody a year filled with discomfort, anger, tears and a bit of foolishness.
Wait a minute. Isn’t that a bit rude? I’m convinced it’s not. Let me explain.
Of course all of you will be content with lots of nice friends, a good car and some beautiful clothes. It would be great also if you have a good job or good education so that you can get a good job eventually. I’m pretty sure everybody would feel blessed with all that kind of prosperity. And maybe you have those kinds of things in mind when you wish someone all the best. At last I do. Or I did, until I heard about this Franciscan prayer. It’s about living a life deep within your heart, where you can be a blessing to the people around you and make a difference in the world. That actually sounds pretty good to me. However it is not in our human nature to do so. We need a bit of help – and blessing – with that.
Just read this Franciscan benediction below, think about it and have a very blessed life.