Generation ‘ME’ is here and growing at an alarming rate…
Our Instagram stories and Facebook news feeds do a really great job of selling us dreams. Whether we’re following lifestyle influencers, travel bloggers, or just trying to keep up with the Joneses down the street, leaving our screens without some sort of FOMO is becoming increasingly difficult.
Somewhere and somehow, the inclination and pressure to live up to the ‘standard’ on social media and popular culture creeps in, and we find ourselves selling our souls for the latest smartphone, clothing and Instagram friendly hotel stays, just to get that perfect shot for the ‘gram’. Slowly, but surely our own choices lead us to a path where we hardly recognize ourselves and begin to encourage others to follow suit. Young people who do not live up to the standard find themselves being victimized online and at times we’re the perpetrators of these acts, no matter how low-key it may seem.
If you find yourself in this space and you’re eager to find your way out here’s some advice:
1. Regular self-checks are important
As much as checking on others is important, we need to check on ourselves, not our physical appearance, but what is going on in our hearts. Are you frustrated, agitated or always in a state of discontentment? Never quite happy with anything, and you struggle to see goodness in any situation? Then it might be time for you to check your attitude towards life. God loves when we ask Him for help. This may be as simple as “God help me today to focus on the things I have that money cannot buy”. It pays to do some stock taking, especially where our emotions are concerned. The heart is, in fact, deceitful above all things.
2. God loves you regardless of the ‘stuff’ you think you need
God looks at the heart. He is hardly concerned about the new car we think we need or a new pair of sneakers we desire. He is interested in what our heart and inner thoughts look like and it pleases him when we prioritise our inner lives. You’re not alone. He doesn’t love you any less because you don’t fit in. As long as you’re a part of His plan, you should not be worried about what anyone else thinks. And you being on this very earth is proof that you are His plan.
3. God does not compare you to others
You were created the way you are for a reason. You were born into your family for a reason. God does not make mistakes and He has made all of us with different complexities because He knew exactly what the Earth needed, long before we were born. You are a glorious reflection of God’s love to others around you. The Bible speaks about how you were formed. God honours, loves and takes great pleasure in our differences. He created us with them. Why would you want to live a life consumed with looking like everyone else?
Even if you’re currently in this space, heading straight into it or you’ve been there in the past, nothing and I mean nothing stops you from being and doing better in the future. Life is a journey. Every day is a new chance to change the steps that do not bring any good into your life.
If you are in need of prayer or you would like us to tell you more about this man named Jesus Christ, feel free to send us a message today.