So, it could be suggested that for ‘One’ to not be aware that the world has, in the last few days, welcomed a new British Royal , ‘One’ would have to be living under a pretty sizeable rock. Actually, on second thought, let’s make that a colossal boulder. Yes, I do apologize to all of you ‘Ones’ out there, but well, it’s a fact. Over the course of this week it will have taken some considerable effort to avoid hearing, seeing or stumbling upon any snippet of this heavily hashtagged #royalbaby news. News that has literally spread like wild fire, catching the attention, hearts and imagination of global onlookers.
To those to whom however, the above does apply, let me get you up to speed for the sake of my blog-gery. This week’s breaking story, covered on pretty much any TV station you cast your attention to or media medium you use, has revealed that the much loved eldest son of the late Princess Diana, William Duke of Cambridge and his beauty of a Duchess, Catherine, have introduced a bouncing baby boy. Not just any bouncing baby boy, this chubby cheeked cherub stands to be a future King of England, being heir and third in line to the Crown of a monarchy that has survived for centuries upon centuries, whilst other ‘ has been’ monarchies have sadly come and gone. Quite an achievement for one week old George Alexander Louis aka “His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge”. Umm, hello!
Anyway, as quite the “Rule Britannia” hailing Royalist Briton and having had the British monarchy’s history (yes, inclusive of the blush-worthy scandal “stuff”) drummed into my psyche for my entire British school career, I won’t pretend to not feel a sense of pride and patriotic ownership when it comes to the addition of this little furry, peachy royal. Amidst the world press’s royal frenzy and constant updates about pretty much everything related to his family, his late grandmother, her legacy, his name, his uncertain future as King of England, oh and yes, not to mention the artistic impression I saw in the news yesterday of a Genetic Counselor’s prediction of this teeny Prince’s appearance as a teenager (the mind boggles), I do feel that it’s really easy at this time to just jump onboard the paparazzi baby train, taking on the media’s account of the latest ‘happenings’ while totally missing what’s actually important and beautiful in this whole palace fairytale. That being, the magnificence of a new life begun and the promise that this represents.
It was only earlier this year, I remember holding my sister’s youngest daughter for the first time. A wonderfully precious baby girl, all crinkled and new, I felt overwhelmed by the realization of the life that she could lead and the massive potential that was snuggly blanketed in my arms. It hit me that with her new life, came new promise and with new promise, unbelievably incredible and uncharted potential. Yes, of course, this is obvious when it comes to a child, but who’s to say that it can’t apply to us all?
I read a quote quite recently that said “Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending” (Carl Bard). This, I guess, means that there could in fact be hope for all of us, young or old. I have to assume that because you’re reading this, you aren’t a newborn, but additionally you reading this also means you are alive. So, yep, you guessed it, you qualify in the ‘anyone’ category.
There’s an ancient Latin motto that says “Dum spiro spero”, which translates as “While I breathe, I hope”. So, regardless of where our lives are at right now, whatever challenge we face, or seemingly impossible obstacle we encounter, there must always be the capacity to hope and as a consequence and regardless of our age, be immense potential for change. While this potential won’t give us the opportunity to experience a totally new life, it does offer us the opportunity to take hold of a totally new start. It is merely a choice. A choice that only we are able to make for ourselves. A choice which has the power to entirely change the landscape of our lives.
Ok, so maybe you’re thinking that this doesn’t apply to you today, but tomorrow? Who knows? His Royal Newness’s arrival has once again reminded me that while I have life, hope is always accessible…I dare to believe that somewhere along the line, we may all need to be reminded of that..
…Oh and just because I couldn’t resist 😉