When it comes to gifts around this time of year, I’ve got some serious issues. Mostly I’m on my high horse about the need to spend money for a reason that is very little more than tradition. Also, the expectations I imagine people have is also making me a bit crazy because I’m convinced that my ‘gesture’ might just be plain insulting and the ‘thank you’ is said with an air of dissatisfaction. You should see my face while my wife is opening her Christmas gifts from me; I look so stressed, wondering whether she will be happy with what I’ve got for her or not! She always is, but I’m still so skittish! We have agreed, many years ago, that we would just get each other something small, inexpensive, but fun, just to make Christmas morning something silly, fun and exciting. Our own special mark on the day, unique to our home. My birthday is the day before, and hers 2 weeks later, so we somehow also need to pace ourselves!
I’ve been thinking about gifts over the last while, mostly because it’s time to head out and get a few, but have also been thinking about those that are not in a position to get or give anything. It doesn’t matter if you do or don’t, that’s not the point, but it is a time of sharing, and sometimes to the point of excess, so it’s hard to avoid it or at least think about it.
Every year our church asks a school from an area just out of town, to have their learners send us their Christmas wishes. The area is well known for being a very poor one and the children, sometimes neglected, and without many of their basic needs being met throughout the year. We hope, as a community, to give them what they need and present them with some predetermined necessities and a few things off their wish lists! It’s always so sad to know that this, for most, is the only gift they will get all year. This got me thinking. If I were to be able to have a one-on-one with some of the kids, and they were really honest with me, I wonder what they would choose; a package of sweets and a toy that might last a few days, or some quality time with someone that loves them? I think it’s really great that we get to spoil the kids, and I know the Christmas party that they’ll have, where they’ll also receive these gifts, is going to be so much fun! That thought, launched another one: I bet there must be children almost everywhere that would choose the gift of time, over a gift of sweets or a toy. What a saddening thought, is that there must be an enormous number of young people that get to spend such a little time with a dad or a mom, that their idea of a great gift would be their parent’s time, and nothing more!
For those mothers and fathers that make it a daily priority to spend quality time with their kids, and can see that love reflected in their development and character; spare a thought for the ignored, the undervalued and the unloved. How they must yearn for an embrace, for a rough-and-tumble or a tea party, and instead get a cold shoulder or an excuse. May we value the people that we have in our lives, and acknowledge them as special gifts. Sure, share a toy or electronic device if you wish, but make time to enjoy it together and may that be the best part of the experience.