The ability to enjoy life seems to be a matter of perspective. Some people love to complain about what they don’t have, while others find great joy in having only a little. It’s a glass half full or half empty sort of scenario. Being content with what you have and what you don’t have can go a long way to remove something that is really horrid and destructive. I’m talking about bitterness. There’s nothing like someone with a nice car and a beautiful, healthy family and a secure job and a great smile, spending half an hour moaning about their life. His reasons seem totally legit to him but to you, it might seem like craziness. Compare that to a man, with a lowly little home, that is filled with the sound of playing children and crying babies, squatting next to a primitive stove, telling tales of how much joy his family brings him and how content he is with his situation. Then there’s his wife, who nods in agreement, stirring a pot which seems to contain far too little food to feed everyone. If you asked them, they’d say they were happy. It’s perspective. The glass is half full. Mr Have-It-All’s glass seems to be half empty. How does that work? Where is the difference? What makes each person feel the way they do?
I suspect that perspective is important, but so is gratitude. ‘I may not have much, but I’m grateful for what I have!’ That’s a great starting point. We could always do with a bit more, couldn’t we, but then you look at your life. Are you ‘counting your blessings’ and making the best of what you have, or are you ignoring some of what you’ve got to eagerly chase even more? At a point of contentment there will be a feeling of peace that settles you, and you might find yourself making the most of what you’ve got. It’s often from these places of almost inexplicable peace, that we start to move forward in our lives, seeing things we’d previously missed, and finding value in things you’d possibly seen as worthless and therefore ignored.
This life doesn’t always fit the ideals that you may have set for yourself and the reasons may be many. You cannot change what has already taken place, but your attitude and desire to see things shift, be it in your finances, health, work or spirituality, can empower you to move ahead. Sparked by a stronger will and fueled by wisdom, we couldn’t even imagine what we are capable of. I challenge you to shift gears, to learn from the past and to move forward positively. Take stock of what you have and then see how you can move forward with that. The Glass is half full, and what you’ve got might be all you need.
If you’re in that place where you just can’t find peace with where you’re at, and contentment seems so far away, why not click on the banner below. The clip that follows may very well help you to find peace that is lacking, and spur you on to many things, far greater than you could hope for or imagine. Stay strong!