The hills tell a story
A tale of what was
When rivers ran shallow
And everyone loved
But winds and floods grafted
Down to the deep
Separating the highs,
Making the struggle steep
So people built castles
To stay up on top
Their fortresses of safety
Made all else feel lost
And they trusted in mortar
Made from the hills
But to make their work greater
They decided to kill
As blood filled the valleys
Their walls were washed clean
And power became purpose
The mountains unseen
No longer the hill
The sole claim of the king
It was what people said
That gave him everything
And fear became the peaks
That shadowed all life
The way was control
And many were enticed
And so war changed its face
And his cause became one
To claim the Everest of men
Up the slopes many run
Oh the hills tell a story
A song of what was
When rivers ran shallow
And everyone loved
And then you came
Throwing mountains into the depths
With you by my side
The rivers run shallow instead
And valleys reach up and stretch out ahead
Smooth lies the path and steady are my steps
Peaks bow back down and all becomes plain
With you the hills turn to rest once again
The erosion of love causes people to fight for control. When people are not willing to love, society is in great danger of losing everything for the sake of control. In light of all that has happened this past week in Paris, I believe it is important that we look at our own lives and think about areas that we are allowing fear to rule us. The most powerful reaction to fear is to love.
The ultimate source of love is found in God. True love casts out all fear. If you are looking for a reliable source of love and peace when all hell seems to be breaking loose – click on the link below.