The purpose of one reflecting on their life is to create an opportunity for change and to start a new season. Sit down, relax, reflect on your life and ask yourself some of the most important questions on things that matter and why do they matter to you.
For example, when you are a student, you’re often asked a multiple of important questions such as:
– Where am I headed and what is my ultimate personal dream?
– How can my decisions influence my dream?
– What do I value and how will this course impact me?
– What are my responsibilities, if any, to my community and to make the world a better place? etc
These are just a few questions one asks themselves when they are taking up a course to study. The same applies to any other decision we take in life.
Truth is we get tired, overwhelmed by life challenges, we feel emotionally and physically drained. What’s left to do when one feels this way? How do you even begin to pick yourself up again and bring newness into your life?
Once in a while we need to just PAUSE and reflect on our lives; if reflection isn’t something you feel you do often enough, consider making it a habit. At least once a day, and sometimes several times a day, try to reflect on your day, on your life, on what you’ve been doing right, and what isn’t working well.
I find that when I reflect on every aspect of my life, I am able to continuously improve in certain areas.
There are so many emotions we deal with on a daily basis. It can be a battle at times, but taking a moment to reflect can be a more structured way to deal with the issues we face. But there comes times when reflection alone isn’t good enough.
We can do everything humanly possible to be at peace with ourselves but life doesn’t stop handing us new challenges. It can get overwhelming and let’s admit it, we all can do with a little bit of help. That help is what we would like to offer you today.
God, who promises to never leave us even when we face the toughest of days, is ready to be your helper, your comforter , your strength, your peace when all is just too much to bear. All you need to do is acknowledge Him and accept Him.
He’s always there for me, He can be there for you too. If this is something you’ve thought about or are trying to figure out on the journey of your life, we’d like to share some truths with you. Click on the banner below and watch the video that follows. In it, you can hear about how you can get to encounter the ever-present God.