Some days it’s hard to tell the truth from the lies anymore, especially when we believe the lies that we tell. I’m talking about those sneaky deceptive lies that creep into our hearts, and finds its roots, and bears unhealthy fruit in our lives.
Those sneaky lies that we believe:
- You aren’t good enough.
- You aren’t talented enough.
- There is someone who can do it better than you.
- You aren’t worthy of love.
- You will fail.
- Dreaming and wanting more good things for your life is not an option.
Those sneaky lies may look similar to the above list or maybe your lies look a bit different. However, these lies start to root itself in our hearts and we then act and behave in a way that was motivated by those lies! Sometimes, we don’t even realize that we act and behave in a certain way because of the lies we have told ourselves over the years. It becomes apart of us, it becomes our norm, we are so blinded by the lies that we can’t see the truth anymore.
These lies that we believe about ourselves end up stealing our joy, and they will stop us from living a life that is full of joy and passion!
- Understand where the lies come from – The truth is that the enemy will have us believe that we are small and very pathetic, he loves feeding our insecurities to a point where we feel weak and defeated. Recognize when those insecure thoughts and feelings come about, and do not entertain them!
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10
2. Be transformed by the love of God – When we allow God into our hearts, and we come to know and understand His perfect love for us. We start believing Gods word and promises to be true for us , it then starts to change the way we think to the way we behave. We start to dream in Him, we become more confident, we become free from the lies.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2
Allow Gods love, and truth to unravel those lies that you battle with. Why not start today by clicking on the link below and finding out how to connect with God more intimately and personally.