Everyday without realizing it we wear a crown of sorts. That crown shapes and influences our thoughts, actions, behavior, demeanor, stance, and words. Our crown could symbolize what we choose to believe about ourselves, and our identity.
Sometimes, we wear crowns that are; old, broken, distorted, crowns that possibly do not fit correctly as it should, crowns that inhibit us, crowns that enslave us. Maybe we wear these crowns because we believe that we are not worthy of wearing crowns that are beautiful, unique, free, and weighted with royalty . If we knew and believe that to be true, how different would our stance be?
I know for me personally there was a season in my life, where I wore a crown that was filled with insecurity, brokenness and disappointment. My crown was my distorted identity, and I wore it for a long time, and let it rule my life. When I became a christian, I embarked on a personal journey of getting to know God as my father, and Jesus Christ, Gods only son, as my saviour. This personal, ongoing journey and relationship with God, has shaped my identity, and it continues to shape and influence my identity in the most amazing ways.
I came to a point in my life where I was tired of wearing my old, distorted crown, and I decided to wear my God-given crown. The more I got to know God personally, and became in tune with His promises, and tuned my ears and heart into His frequency, the more I started seeing myself the way He saw me, as royalty.
One of my favourite bible verses talks about being God’s chosen people, chosen to be Holy, a royal heir, chosen to step out of nothing and step into something more with Him.
But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted. – 1 Peter 2:9-10 (MSG)
With Christmas nearing, we tend to get caught up in the hustle and bustle that is Christmas time, and we forget that Christmas is actually about the celebration of Jesus’s birth, a celebration of sacrifice, unconditional unwavering love for us – Gods chosen people. The birth of a King, the King of all Kings, our Lord, our Saviour. Sometimes life can be distracting, and can steer our attention away from what is truly important, and in turn causes us to wear the wrong crowns. Never forget that you have been chosen by God, you are His royal sons and daughters, royal heirs.
What crown are you currently wearing ?