During this time of the year everyone is in the festive mood, everywhere you go you are surrounded by the spirit of Christmas. What makes Christmas so special is that it’s the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the so-called “Nativity”. Most of us will have heard this famous story either from our parents, at school or at our local church. The problem is that for most of us, that is all it is. A story. We all see the Nativity as something that happened long ago (which it did) and as something that isn’t really relevant in today’s society. It’s become another one of those stories that is usually told like a history lesson. But the Nativity Story is more relevant today than it has ever been before.
You might wonder how that can be possible, but let me explain…
Technology has advanced enormously and our social standings are a lot more diverse today – basically the world is a completely different place to what it was 2000 years ago. And yet – God is still the same. And the Nativity story is actually the story of how God saved the world! This day not only shaped history, but has become the very reason we have life. Jesus’ birth not only set the Christian faith into motion but has become the very reason we follow the dates on our calendar. And more importantly – if it wasn’t for the birth of Jesus and the events of his birth none of us would be able to have a relationship with the living God!
Why do I say this story is more relevant today than ever before?
The truth is, our world has become more corrupt and self-serving than ever before, more and more we hear of new wars breaking out. Daily we are faced with the possibility of becoming a victim of crime, violence or theft. Alcohol and drug abuse is on the rise and doesn’t show signs of decreasing. All in all the entire world has become a darker place, leaving it more in need of a savior than ever before.
Instead of seeing the Nativity as just a story, rather see it as the greatest day to have ever happened. Wherever you go, no matter who you meet, be sure to remind them of what and Who we are really celebrating. The day that opened the way for us to be set free, even though we didn’t deserve it.
I encourage you this Christmas to pursue a real relationship with the living Christ. He was born for so much more than to give us a day to share presents with those we care about! He was born so that we could experience the greatest gift, real relationship with Him forever.