Motherhood is not for the faint hearted, and it can really knock the wind out of your sails on most days. And yes, being a mom is the greatest honor and we all love our little people dearly, but man, oh man there are days where is swallows you whole. What’s more is if you are not on top of your game, you will feel like your drowning in the trenches that is motherhood.
I am mom of a busy toddler, plus I teach drama twice a week and then freelance write. Which means each day looks a little different for me, yet I need some sort of structure and schedule to work to, or otherwise my life will be a complete mess, and I will feel rushed, anxious and all over the place.
Because I am creative, I sometimes tend to let my emotions and feelings lead the way. Which isn’t always a positive thing, as some days (or most days) I may “feel” like I don’t want to cook, or clean, or prepare for my classes that I need to teach – which leads to complete disarray. Because life is very busy and there are a few things I need to juggle, that means I need to be more organized in order to juggle and balance everything that I do well.
Tips for being a more organised mom
Being more organized can help you with time management, which means you won’t feel rushed or stressed, plus you will feel more focused and competent when it comes mapping out your roles and responsibilities within your home.
Here are a few simple tips to try out, and hopefully it will make you feel more organized and on top of your game.
- Plan a weekly/monthly supper roster, then shop accordingly.
- Have a family calendar (Hard copy, or Google calendar) filled with weekly events for all family members, so you can plan around it.
- Plan your house cleaning days, and schedule in daily time dedicated to a mini clean – even if it’s 10-15 minutes of neatening up and packing things away.
- Get your clothes, and work things ready the night before. The same goes for prepping and packing your little people’s lunch boxes and school bags.
- Carry a note-book with you, so you can quickly jot down important things that need seeing to.
- Have a weekly and daily “To-do” list. Always revise it and know what needs to be done for the next day the night before, so that when you wake up you have direction and focus for the day.
- Invest in little moments in your week where you have a bit of down time, where you can be still, rest and recharge. Resting will help strengthen you mentally and emotionally, and it will make you feel like you are on top of your game.
- Be mindful to clear out excess things that clutter up your shelves and house in general.
Organising is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up. ~ A.A. Milne