I know it’s only March, but I’ve heard many people say they need another holiday again. What about you? How’s your year going? Stressed out yet? Exhausted yet?

I used to live from holiday to holiday, vacation to vacation, just hanging on until the next break. But I soon realised that’s no way to live. No matter how amazing your vacation may be, the effects of rest and relaxation only last so long. Before you know it, you’re stressed and tired again.

So what do you do? Quit your job or your studies and go relax on a tropical island somewhere? Sounds divine, doesn’t it?

But wait, that’s not reality. And to be honest, I think after a while we’d start to get bored!

So how do you keep yourself rested between holidays?

  1. Find out how you rest best: Do you know that there is a right and wrong way to rest? Some people rest best when lying on the couch watching movies. Others rest best by being out in nature or taking a walk on the beach. Others rest best by being around people. Others rest best by spending some time alone. If you don’t rest in the right way for you, you’ll end up feeling more drained and lethargic than before you started resting. Rest doesn’t just mean not doing anything. Some people can be totally drained by playing video games, while others may be totally refreshed by it.  How do you rest best?
  2. Be intentional about your rest: Make time each week to rest and unwind. Once you’ve figured out which way you rest best, schedule that into your week. Even if you can squeeze in 15 minutes of your best rest, you’ll be amazed at the difference it can make.
  3. When you’re off, be off: Technology is a great tool and asset in our lives but it can also be the biggest rest robber ever! When you have a day off, make sure you are taking a day off from technology also. When you’re tempted to check that email that just came in, don’t. If it’s really urgent, people can phone you. Believe it or not, emails can wait until the next day. Make sure you schedule some time away from social media. It’s a great way to stay connected but we do need to unplug and disconnect from time to time.
  4. Get creative: Do something out of the ordinary. For instance, I’m quite keen to try adult colouring books as I have heard they are an excellent way to de-stress. I also grab a crossword puzzle from time to time. My brain really enjoys the break from screens and is engaged in a different way. Experiment with different ways to relax and find what’s your best way to rest.

So until our next holiday, happy resting folks!

Sometimes no matter how much we try to rest, our anxiety and restlessness doesn’t go away. The only cure I have found for that is having a real, meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. If you would like to explore this further, please click on the pop up or link below.