It’s the start of a new year and for those with resolutions or goals for the new year, you’ll find that one of the top 5 are always around health and fitness or weight loss, or muscle gain, or something like that. I think that’s a pretty good thing, but sadly, the reason can be all too cosmetic. It’s time we took our health more seriously, and especially what we choose to put into our mouths. Our food choices are creating too many problems to mention and yet people want things to change, without really changing anything. Last I heard, that was considered insanity. With this exact thought in mind, consider the companies that sell and market nutritional supplements. They have a product, and will continue to create products that will meet this very need. There’s a need to be stronger, thinner, faster and fitter, to have more stamina and recover more quickly, all so you can do it again, but the next time, even better. No one wants to come second and everyone wants the glory of the victory, and the thrill of the compliment. The supplement companies can’t lose. You want it, and their labels promise it, it’s a win win. Only it seems, by the billions spent annually, and the lack of true athletes walking the streets among us, there is a bit of a problem. I suspect there’s this idea that I just mix this powder with water, make a tasty shake, drink it 3 times a day and my life is going to change! I can’t wait to see the look on all of their faces when I come strutting in the room with those expensive jeans on, and blow their minds! Yeah, that’s not going to happen. The bit that seems to be missing from the ‘quick fix’ brigade is that you need to make changes to see changes. This is where it falls flat. Stop looking so sheepish. I know you’ve been there/are there/are on your way there. Stop.
I’m not saying supplements are nonsense, but it’s really all in the name. They supplement your efforts. Eat good, clean, natural food and if you’re training for a particular goal or sport, then work hard and be disciplined and things will change. Add good quality, well researched, reputable supplements in there, and they can add to your efforts. They help, they don’t do all the work. That’s your job. With that being said, you can take most of what I’ve said and apply it to other areas of life. Let’s look at your relationships. We want to have vibrant, exciting and meaningful relationships that allow us to give and to receive love and meaning. These relationships are not going to blossom using only BBM, WhatsApp, Skype or SMS. These relationships require time together, heartfelt conversations, hugs, kisses and whatever else is appropriate, and then we use our phone or computers to supplement that. It’s not the base of quality, it’s just the chocolate sprinkles on a big, delicious chocolate cake of love.
Whatever you deem to be truly important, be it your career, your relationships, your health or your wealth, there is no quick fix or one-size-fits-all approach to be successful. All will require hard work, dedication, the right attitude, bucketsful of commitment and then, once you’ve got the foundation really solid, then you add in the supplements.
May this year be one that reflects the efforts you put in and may your successes spur you on to even greater levels of accomplishment that will snowball to the point of others simply asking: ‘how did you do it?!’