Recently, I have been struggling with my relationship with God. But not in any way that you may think. I haven’t been doubting God – who He is or what He intends for me. God is still the best thing I have ever known. He has done some crazy things in my life that I will always be grateful for. My problem didn’t lie with God, but with myself.
The fact is, any issue we have with a relationship with God, is actually only an issue with what we believe. He stays constant. He stays real. One of the most amazing things about God is that He will never change His mind or His cause. But, as humans we change by the hour.
Sometimes I think God must be extremely frustrated with us. He sets up so much for us to know Him. He sacrifices His Son so that we can live guilt-free and strong; but then we turn away – distracted by our situation, our emotions, and our own random theories about what we deserve.
This is where I found myself – at a place where I was questioning how worthy I was of this awesome God. I started allowing myself to be affected by other peoples’ words. I started listening to my own reasoning more than the proven wisdom that has set people up for success for centuries. But I have been reminded again of one thing – the most destructive human flaw we have is that we wander. We forget that when God speaks, it is permanent. Our souls struggle to process that concept of ultimate security.
The truth is, the distance between me and God is purely determined by what I allow to be an issue. We are the ones that put the obstacles and expectations between ourselves and God.
We choose to try do things on our own to impress Him… But God has seen all of life from the beginning. I can tell you now, there is nothing that will catch God off guard.
We judge ourselves unworthy because of what we have done… But Jesus took care of that issue before any of us were born. The only place we can escape judgement is with God – not as far away as possible. No one can outrun God.
We try appease our souls with shallow entertainment, avoiding areas in our lives that actually need to be addressed… For many years there were parts of my history (what people had done to me) that I completely ignored. God wants us to be whole and healthy – so what may seem painful or unpleasant is the best thing for us.
Jesus has done everything in His power for you and me to know God. It is all in our court. God wants to do life with you. He hasn’t changed. What the Bible meant thousands of years ago still means the same thing today. What God has done for others can apply just as much to you. All we need to do is get over ourselves and our issues.
If you want to find out what that truly means like, please click on the link below.