There is a lot to be said for enjoying your own company. It’s great to be comfortable on your own and have the confidence to take on life solo, but there is also a great deal to be found in being part of a community. The old saying is that there is strength in numbers but it goes so much deeper than that.
I love to read. It’s my ultimate escape and if I’m ever missing you’ll probably find me in a comfy spot with my latest read. As much as I love books, I have never been part of a book club, until last month. An Instagram friend of mine formed a reading group and I decided to join the fun. We all read the same book over the course of the month and each week would discuss it on the bookclub’s blog page. It was so much fun! The book was one that I have read before but reading it along side others and sharing insights and thoughts about what we had read added a new dimension to the experience.
There are many things in life that we can happily do alone, reading is just one of them, but joining with others who are on the same journey can elevate and enhance whatever it is that you are doing. One of the most obvious aspects of life that can, and should be experienced as part of a community is your faith. The bible reminds us that as believers in Jesus we shouldn’t neglect meeting together to share our faith journey. Coming together in a community called the church is an important part of being a follower of Christ. Seeking out a group or community to be a part of can add the following to your life:
Being part of a group of like-minded people can be both inspiring and motivating. Whatever your goal is, having people around you who are seeking similar ends helps you to remain focused and excited about pursuing your purpose. It’s like a piece of coal, if it’s in the fire together with other pieces of coal it will continue to burn hot, if you take it out it will cool down faster.
It’s amazing how much you can learn from those around you. If you are part of a community you can not only learn from others successes but also their mistakes. Sharing your knowledge or insight with others can help you to learn and discover more than you would on your own.
The bible points out the fact that two are better than one because if they fall, the other is there to help them back up. Approaching life in the midst of a community means that when things go wrong or you’re having a hard time there are others around who can pick you up, dust you off and cheer you on as you try again. It may be in the form of a shoulder to cry on, practical help with a project or just someone telling you to keep believing. Whatever it is you are more likely to find support in a group than if you strike out on your own.
There are times in everyone’s life when you’re tempted to cut corners or take the easy way out. A community who cares for you and wants the best for you will encourage you to take the high road and do things the ‘right’ way. It’s not about having someone look over your shoulder to tell you when you’re doing things wrong, it’s about encouraging you to be the best version of you possible.
Attempting things on your own has its place but sometimes doing it together is the best route. Believing in God and having a relationship with Jesus is wonderful, sadly people believe that they can make it on their own when it comes to their faith in God but end up a lesser version of what they are supposed to be because they lack the encouragement and support of having others around them. Finding other Christians who will walk the journey with you is an important part of experiencing all that God has for you.