Oh I know this line all too Well! Being misunderstood is a feeling very common among teenagers. Parents who have raised kids beyond their teenage years perfectly know and understand this phase of kids life when they’re growing up and just getting to discover who they are and beginning to get ready to embrace adulthood; stage where misunderstandings are the order of the day! But the issue of being misunderstood goes beyond those teenager years. It’s a struggle we face all through life. I cannot begin to count the amount of times I heard siblings, friends or colleagues make use of the line “They do not understand me”. In my adulthood, I’ve been in those situations where no matter how clearly I explained myself, at the end of it all , I would feel a heavy shadow of disappointment hanging over me when I see how what I’ve put so much efforts into explaining wasn’t captured at all. The frustration that accompanies a misunderstanding is just too great. Consider these wise words taken from my good companion, the book of Proverbs:
Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can fully share its joy – Proverbs 14:10
Major revelation, huh? knowing that as humans, regardless of the good communication skills we may have acquired through professional training, or having been through a similar experience as the person confiding in us, we remain limited in our ability to comprehend what goes on inside the heart and mind of the next person, and to some extent, this also limits our ability to intervene in some of the most intricate times in one’s life. But, there’s more to this! When things are beyond our understanding, there is a ‘person’ who possesses the ability, the willingness and compassion to feel our pain, our frustration and walk with us until we reach a place of ease. That ‘person’ is God. He alone knows the depth of our hearts and no matter how much you have felt misunderstood by closest family, friends, this you can trust: God knows what you are feeling and going through better than you yourself do. And not only He knows the ‘now’ of your life, He has a plan for your future. Instead of engulfing yourself in further frustrations and confusions from not being fully understood by fellow humans, learn to talk to God. If you are willing to do this but are not sure how to begin a conversation with God, please click on the banner below.