Thinking before you speak is definitely one of those habits that seem to be dying out. It has become more evident lately that people easily bash what they hate, and share very judgmental opinions and remarks without much thought or regard for those on the receiving end. Not only do we see this behaviour online, but it’s starting to encourage people to behave like this in person. I have read a few online articles where people speak openly in shock at how random strangers have approached them and attacked them on a very personal level, based on an assumption and have said some very harsh uncalled for things. These unfiltered words leave scars, and negatively impact the lives of others. What is even worse is that the people who make these remarks have no sense of remorse – instead, they feel entitled and justified for sharing “their opinions”.
1. A sense of entitlement
When people express themselves with words that are harsh, critical, and judgmental, they are speaking from a very one-sided and self-consumed perspective. Normally their opinions are based on an assumption or generalisation. When they express their opinions, they come across as emotionally charged, and will react defensively if anyone dares to challenge them. They feel entitled to share anything unfiltered with no regard for others.
What happened to being open to listening and seeing other people’s view points?
2. Lack of empathy
Often people judge and have harsh opinions of others, without having much thought, regard, or respect for that person. They feel entitled to say ridiculous things without putting themselves in that person’s situation or shoes. However, this behaviour reflects an unkind attitude.
How would you feel if someone attacked you verbally without trying to empathise with you?
3 . Not realising the consequences
In the heat of the moment it may feel good to verbally spew an opinion online or in person. But we forget who is on the receiving end, and we forget that our words hold weight and have the power to break others down.
Before saying something that could come across as harsh or abrupt, ask yourself if you would appreciate the same sentiment directed towards you.
Before you share something online or express an opinion, ask yourself the following:
Is it true? Is it helpful? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? Is it kind?
And lastly:
Before you assume, learn the facts. Before you judge, understand why. Before you hurt someone, feel. Before you speak, think.