When last have you found a song that you simply have to listen to, ‘one more time’? Then that ‘one more time’ turns into ‘5 more times’ and the next thing you know almost all the words and you’re singing it while you’re making your bed, or humming the tune while you’re taking a walk.
I’m there right now. Right now! I heard this song once and didn’t even register but then, as i listened to the album again, and as the song came around again I thought: I don’t remember hearing this track before, and it’s pretty good. So i thought: I like that 1st verse, let me start the song again. Then just as the song started to fade out after 4:23, I click ‘back’ and it all starts again and somehow without realising it I know the 1st 2 lines of the first verse and most of the chorus and I’m hooked! Now I start to nitpick at the song; the musicality, the intro, the tightness of the band and the quality of the production. It’s gone from walking randomly down the aisle in the supermarket to stopping and picking up all the baked bean tins and reading the labels and checking which one offers most value for money, and which one has the most fibre!
Why? How? Did something happen in my brain; my heart…What? Why do I do this with 1 song and none of the others..for now. Who knows what will happen tomorrow and what will flick the switch? Is it the tune, the lyrics, the guitar riffs, the unusual beat, the talent of the vocalist…What? I have to know!! I feel like a slave to the music. I want to know what’s’ happening! But something else could happen next: I could start to dislike the song because I’m hearing it too often. That could happen, right? But why? Do all the reasons i fell in love with it simply vanish? Is it a case of familiarity breeds contempt? It sounds like a situation I had with a girlfriend in the late 90’s! Maybe I think too much. Maybe I love music a little too much and have entered ‘analysis paralysis.’ Anyone know any of these answers? Anyone care? Just wait til you turn on the radio or spin a disc and a song grabs you by the heart strings….then we’ll speak again!
You have been warned!