Going into the week of Easter, I was thinking about what defines “faith” for me. Many people struggle with the word faith. Some write it off as a classification of all religion. Some use it as a verb to describe the hope they are holding on to. But I believe faith can only be defined by a few core fundamentals. If you choose to believe these three things, your whole life changes. And when that happens, I believe that faith is present in your life.
- There is a God
There is no other place to begin. The thing is, if you believe that God exists, you have to change the way you see life. All of a sudden there is someone greater than yourself and everything you could ever achieve. All of a sudden your opinions, frustrations and thinking need to fall under the truth of God. All of a sudden, your perspective needs to change. Knowing there is a God will cause you to start wondering what He is like. It will set you on a lifelong journey of discovery that can redefine your life.
- God cares about you
Many people are comfortable acknowledging there is a god. But believing he is intentional about each of our individual lives is something that begins to define how we are meant to live. Believing God exists is a safe place to be. But the moment you accept that He wants to have a say in your life is the moment you realise you are not alone. Many people would agree loneliness is a bad thing, but when it comes to the way we live, we can strive to have no one determine what we do, what we say or how we think.
Wisdom does not come from knowledge of self. Wisdom comes from knowing the author of life. If you sincerely believe God cares about you, you will never be alone again. But it will also result in Him showing you what may be harming the fabric of who you are. If God cares so much about you, He will not allow you to stay the same. You are going to have to be willing to change.
- God cares about others
Many people want to know what they are supposed to do with their lives. If you look at the self-help section of a bookstore or search online for aptitude tests, you will find that industries have been built on the subject of personal purpose. Trying to classify yourself could direct you towards the reason why you are alive. There is another way, however; one that may seem a little too simplistic but holds the full weight of heaven: God made you to influence the people around you. No matter what you may call yourself – an introvert or extrovert, eccentric or dogmatic, confident or conflicted – God’s plan for this world is you. All of a sudden, your purpose is not the goal. Your purpose becomes your tool to reach the world.
I am not writing about overthrowing world orders, or ‘winning’ people over for your own benefit. I am writing about allowing the truest form of who you are to bless, encourage, challenge and inspire those around you. The truth is if you believe God cares for others, you will definitely have to start caring about them too. It wouldn’t mean selling everything you have and moving to a third world country – unless you know that is what God has called you to do. God can use you where you are right now to improve the lives of those around you.
If you believe in God, believe he cares about you and that he cares just as much about others, your life will be very different. Having a relationship with God for around twelve years now, I can tell you that I still need to return to the basics of my faith almost daily. Living out these beliefs doesn’t always make sense, but it is an adventure I wouldn’t trade for anything. If you have been challenged by these three beliefs, if you want to discover God for yourself – one who cares about you and has made you to bless others – then click on the link below.