Have you ever stood there with your hands on your hips and simply had a good moan? Dissatisfied with this or unhappy about that? And then, with the corners of your lips still white with that post-complain session spittle, you hear a story of someone else’s life situation that makes yours just pale into insignificance! That will happen for sure if you had to hear American singer, songwriter, Tim Timmons’ life story. 12 years ago he was told he only had 5 years to live because of an incurable cancer riddling his body. From a place of total dependence on God and surrender to Him, despite his situation, Tim Timmons has delivered an immensely relatable album of prayers and clear conversation to a God he has come to know intimately.
Tim and I had the opportunity to connect, to talk about his debut album ‘Cast my Cares’, about living despite what doctors are reminding him. We also connected on how to find encouragement in the darkest of days, whether your darkness is generated by terminal disease, heartbreak, or simply a general feeling of desperation and hopelessness. Allow yourself to be moved by both man and music.