THIS year I wanted to do Christmas very differently.

Instead of the beautiful African sun and the amazing beaches of Camps Bay/Clifton (in Cape Town), we opted for the cold (elsewhere).

At this time of the year, I knew a few people who will be travelling. It may not necessarily be into the ‘cold’, but it is travelling nonetheless.

One of the benefits of my trip this time is that I had time to prepare for it, which has made things a whole lot easier.

So, what should you do if you’re looking to go somewhere (even for a weekend) to get out of the standard work routine, into the vibe of the holiday?


I’ve already alluded to this. But it cannot be overemphasised. There is nothing worse than reaching the day before you leave and you don’t have half of the items you need. Whatever it may look like for you, get it done ahead of time. If it helps, set a deadline for yourself, write stuff down, call the people you need to etc. This will help you to prevent as many ‘surprises’ from the trip as possible. I find that once you have tried your level best to prepare in the way you should, it takes the stress away from the actual movement.

2.      Pack what you need – not want!

I get that you’re going on holiday and there are lots of things you could possibly want to do. But remember, space is always an issue. Whether it is on a plane or in a car, space will always be an issue. So take what you need, and the rest can be left behind. This also means you’re not dragging around a massive bag with stuff you don’t eventually get to use. You’re not there to do admin about what you’re going to wear, you’re there to unwind. Take what you need. It’s much lighter!

3.    People EVERYWHERE

That’s true! There will be people EVERYWHERE you go. Beach, holiday home somewhere or any other destination; they all involve people. This means that you’ll have to be patient in the queues, buses, planes or roads. After all, everyone is probably thinking they need to ‘get away’. So remember to be patient, kind and as less intrusive as possible. Whatever you do, you can’t avoid people.

4.    No pressure

So when you get to wherever it is you’re going, remember to ‘holiday’. There should be no pressure. See the sights, walk the environment and do whatever it is that place has to offer, but it shouldn’t be ‘work’. Holiday as hard as you can, there is a whole year of work waiting for you when you get back! Maybe it’s a more laid back environment, then read a book, watch some sport, spend time on the beach, but in whatever it is: NO PRESSURE!

5.    Capture the moments

I’m not a big ‘slefie’ fan, but that doesn’t make you can’t take them. After all, not all selfies are for publishing. Take as many pictures as you can. Capture the significant moments, that’s why you’re there too.

Happy travelling.