What’s your ‘True North’ – the one thing that compels you to move in a particular direction? Sure, you may get side-tracked along the way, but something deep inside you keeps bringing you back to where you know you need to be. The detours only serve to further reinforce that overwhelming conviction that this path – the one where you feel truly free, content and alive – is your true north. It’s what drives you – it’s your purpose, your calling and the reason you live and breathe.
Maybe you haven’t discovered your ‘true north’ yet. All your life you’ve been searching for it, wandering aimlessly from one path to the next. You feel rootless and rudderless; bobbing along in the hope that someday you’ll discover the path you were born to walk, the journey you were meant to take.
I’ve walked that precarious path of indecision. I’ve dulled my senses to the need to choose a path. It was convenient – being all things to all people. But at some stage, the many paths began to collide and a mixed-up mess found me in the middle. I had to decide – I had to choose my path. Who would I serve; my own selfish desires or the path the Creator of my soul had called me to?
If we want any chance of true happiness and contentment, we have to wade through the murky waters of uncertainty and choose our path. Throughout life we are led to believe that there are many paths, but in essence there are only two – life and death. We can sit on the fence between these two choices; wrapped in our lukewarm blanket of indecision and ignorance for only so long before the cold harsh realities of life penetrate our stubborn thinking and we wake up to the realisation that we’ve wasted this vanishing vapour called life on planet earth. Then, in an instant, we will be forced to face the consequence of our choices in this life – an eternal consequence.
Rather than stumble blindly through this life, deaf to the call of our Maker to ‘come follow me’, may we rather open our eyes, soften our hearts and turn and follow Him.
Just as I made a choice many years ago and as I continue to choose every day – I urge you to choose a path and follow it with all your heart. There is a wide open path that seems right, but its way leads to death and destruction. Oh that you would choose the narrow path – not many follow in its way, but it leads to unspeakable joy, peace and contentment.
“Take courage! Royal feet have left a blood-red track on the road you walk, consecrating the painful path forever” – Charles Spurgeon.
May you discover your True North and determine to walk in its way all the days of your life.