It’s an unusual person who can make it through life without feeling some kind of pressure. Regardless of your job, relationship status, situation in life or financial standing there are always things that will cause stress and strain to some degree. I wrote previously about learning how to find ways to avoid stress but some form of strain is inevitable and sometimes not a completely negative experience.
“On the difficult days, when the world’s on your shoulders, remember that diamonds are made under the weight of mountains” – Beau Taplin
The truth is that stress can at times be the exact ingredient needed to pull out the best in you. Have you ever seen a sports team who’s trailing on the score board and at risk of losing, dig deep and use the pressure of the moment to turn their loss into a victory? Maybe you’ve found yourself in a situation where you have a deadline rushing towards you and in order to meet it, you produce your best work ever. Those are the moments that make you realise that pressure isn’t always all bad. There are benefits to be found in stressful situations:
Increased creativity
Some of the best ideas and creativity can surface as a response to a stressful situation. They do say that necessity is the mother of all invention, how much more necessary is a solution when the problem is weighing more heavily upon you?
It’s amazing what you can get done when you feel under pressure. Stress produces a level of urgency that can be harnessed to help you reach your goals faster than if you are relaxed and at ease.
Forces focus
If something is causing you worry chances are that you will be less easily distracted until you have dealt with that particular problem. Stress and pressure can help you to channel all your energy towards the issue at hand and leave less pressing problems to be dealt with later.
Reveals untapped potential
Pressure can cause you to dig deep and unlock gifts and talents that you may never have realised under calmer circumstances. Similar to an Olympic athlete who pulls out their personal best on their last jump and by doing so claims the gold, stressful scenarios may well cause you to surprise others and yourself with your ability to produce.
While feeling the pressure and taking strain in life isn’t all bad, especially if you face it well and remember it can produce good result, there are times when stress and worry can be overwhelming. In those moments when the pressure becomes too much and threaten to consume you it helps if you are not facing the challenges alone.
“We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.” – 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
No matter what you are facing, whether you are coping well or feeling out of your depth, God has promised to never leave you alone or let you be crushed.