If you’ve ever taken the time to study the absolute wonder of the human brain and how it functions, you’ll agree that it is truly remarkable just how powerful and capable it really is.  Negative thoughts, stress and negative emotion have the power to cause your body to break out in illness, depression and various other harmful physical and emotional conditions.  The inverse is also true.  Positive thoughts have the power to break depressive symptoms, generate motivation and propel us into our future!

We have the ability to accomplish so much more than we probably ever will in our lifetime, simply because of fear of the unknown, self-doubt and various other limitations that we (and others) place on us.

I know so many people who are truly gifted at certain things, they have amazing abilities, but they simply just don’t use them.  They have excuses like, “I’m too young or too old, I don’t have the time, and I don’t have enough money”; and the list goes on…

I have MANY dreams and aspirations.  I too have a few gifts and abilities that I’m not using at this point in time, talents that I have used in the past but am not actively using right now.  My excuses are relevant to my current journey in life and my priorities, not because of my previous weak excuses.  You see, for many years I had dreams that I just suppressed for various reasons, and if I’m to be totally honest, mostly due to the fact that I didn’t fully believe in myself.

Now that I’m older and have overcome many of those hurdles, I am now able to reach for those dreams and use my gifts and abilities to reach them and see them become reality.

An electrical appliance unplugged and unused is simply a dust collector – it has all the potential in the world, but is pretty much useless without being plugged in and powered up.

You CAN achieve much, it’s time to unlock your potential and allow yourself to dream, allow yourself to achieve greatness!