Do you feel the need to hide things about yourself? As if you just wouldn’t belong anywhere if the world was to meet the real you? It is time to take off your mask and be yourself.
The world we live in has set us standards that need to be met in order to be liked or accepted. That is why you prefer to hide the parts of yourself that don’t blend with your surroundings. Simply because “people wouldn’t understand…”. We beat each other up because of our differences. Since we know this, we feel vulnerable, therefore, we wear masks. This, in actual fact, makes you even more vulnerable.
Have you ever thought that it is our differences that make a society strong? If we were all good at farming, there wouldn’t be clothing.
On top of that, if you hide or change yourself in order to be loved, the people who would’ve loved you for you, might slip by and you miss the chance for a real and honest relationship with people.
Just so that you know, everyone feels different. This is because we are all different. We will always find something about ourselves that we don’t like, feel ashamed of, or that just doesn’t scream out “I am cool”. It may be appearance, history, titles, finance, illness, or even something about your family. We need to realize that we are all human. We are not perfect. Everyone has struggles and insecurities. Just because people hide them, and they do it extremely well, doesn’t mean that they don’t have them.
Mend the mirror cracks.
Try looking at yourself in the mirror each morning and compliment yourself. Especially in the areas you tend to hide. This might be easy for some, others may find it hard. Yet, the first step to feel accepted for your true self in society, is for you to accept yourself.
Flush the labels.
Your insecurities and circumstances do not define you. You are defined by the One who created you. He created you in His image. You can’t love Him, if you don’t love yourself.
“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” – Genesis 1:27
Befriend a victor.
It is always good encouragement to find someone who overcame the struggle that you find yourself in.
Climb off the emotional roller-coaster.
If it is something you can fix, work towards fixing it. Set yourself a few goals to achieve and reward yourself when you have achieved them! If it is something you cannot fix, have peace about it. Only then, you can start healing from the inside.
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” – John 14:27
“And He said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction.’” – Mark 5:34
Take it slow.
Work on a day-to-day basis. Nothing happens overnight. Learn to keep your joy no matter what. We take things too seriously. If something doesn’t affect your marriage, your salvation or your children’s lives, it really isn’t that serious.
Stop hiding.
I learned true unconditional love as a result. It is loving something utterly imperfect, just because it costs nothing, myself. I hope you can learn this too.