There is so much to love about Christmas. Family meals and gifts under the tree are my favourite. Inevitably we will all receive at least one unwanted gift. Likely from our sweet great-aunt who thinks crocheted bed socks were top on our gift wish list.
May I remind us all that the tradition of giving gifts at Christmas is very significant. Giving gifts is a reminder of the great gift that God gave us all in sending Jesus. As it says in the well-known Bible verse,
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
We should be grateful for whatever gifts we receive. In addition to this, we must remember the purpose of gifts at Christmas time. Nevertheless, we are bound to receive at least one unwanted gift.
I always feel bad when I receive a gift that I’m not particularly fond of or have no use for. The reason for this is because I am aware that the gift giver spent time and money on it.
But if I can’t use it, what should I do with it?
I have one word for you: REGIFT. This word means an unwanted gift used by its original recipient as a gift for someone else.
Instead of leaving that gift in the cupboard where it will just collect dust, how about regifting it to someone else? As they say, “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure”. What may be an unwanted gift to you may turn out to be a delight to someone else.
Amidst all the giving and receiving of gifts this time of year, let’s always stay mindful on the true meaning of Christmas.
To learn more about God’s gift of sending His Son, click on the link below or on the pop up.