I was paging through a pregnancy article when I came across this line, “Use porn to spice up your marriage.”
I couldn’t believe my eyes. I couldn’t believe what I was reading.
You see, one of the major problems in our society today is that it is saturated with sexual explicitness. Years ago, only dodgy magazines would dare give that kind of advice. Society was generally good and wholesome whether you were a follower of Jesus or not. I’m afraid today, many well-known and reputable magazines and online platforms are talking about pornography and sadomasochism (inflicting pain for sexual enjoyment) as a normal, everyday part of life and relationships.
This pregnancy article I was reading even went on to explain which forms of sadomasochism were safe in pregnancy and which acts should be avoided. I was horrified and shocked beyond belief!
There are so many problems with their casual advice to “use porn to spice up your marriage”, I don’t even know where to start. And just in case you thought this might be something to consider, please allow me to share some facts with you:
1. Watching pornography with your spouse gives you an appetite for someone else: I heard of a lovely young Christian wife who naively agreed to watch porn with her husband to “spice things up” – and what ended up happening? She became bored with her husband and began having an affair.
2. Using pornography can alter your brain chemistry: I am no scientist, but studies have shown that pornography, like many addictive substances, alter the chemicals in your brain, which in turn dictate changes in your behaviour. I read about one husband who could not be intimate with his wife without the use of pornography.
The bottom line is pornography is dangerous and highly addictive. What may start out as curiosity can have devastating effects on your marriage, relationships, and even your job. Get as far away from it as you possibly can.
Good news is that abstinence from pornography or any addictive substance or behaviour not only stops the physical and psychological damage caused, but can also reverse it!
I am coming to realise that pornography is not a struggle confined to men alone. Many women have found themselves caught in its clutches. We need to start shining a light on this dark, looming force that seeks to destroy our minds and hearts.
Freeing yourself from the clutches of pornography may seem impossible, but it’s not! Start by reaching out to God in prayer and then find someone you trust that can lead you closer to God and hold you accountable as you distance yourself from your old habits.
Your future you will thank you!
To know more about a relationship with God that can help you overcome every obstacle in your life, or to get specific help overcoming a porn addiction, click on the pop up banner or link below.