I don’t normally do late night movies. But this week, I decided to go hang with some friends and watch a new superhero film. If you asked me about the world of Marvel and DC, I wouldn’t be able to tell you much beyond the fact that I enjoy the movies. I am friends with some pretty die-hard fans, though. So after church on Sunday night at 22:15, me and about 15 other guys walked into the cinema to try and stay awake for the following two hours.
I wish I could tell you it was an awesome experience. I wish I could recommend the film and say it was a whole lot of fun. But it was probably the strangest experience I have had in a while.
Unlike the blockbuster epics that these superhero films have become, this one had more of an indie approach – it was a whole lot more tongue in cheek and it was refreshing to have a different, slightly sadistic take on the Marvel franchise. With multiple one liners that ripped other films off, it started to feel a bit like a spoof. What came with it, however, was a whole lot of crass jokes and sexual content I was not expecting.
As a creative person, I am pretty liberal when it comes to art. I can tell you that there are scenarios where I believe certain language is appropriate for the kind of world being portrayed. But this film was extremely gratuitous and just unnecessary.
If I had watched it by myself, I would also probably not be writing this article, but I was sitting next to two guys who I have walked a bit of a journey with in church. In fact, there were a few people there who would call me their leader in church. After watching the film, some friends were absolutely overjoyed with it. They were talking about how awesome it was, while guys who have been struggling with sexual addiction walked along with them silently.
I know that all the guys were not meaning wrong, but I have realised that there are certain things that can do more harm than good when it comes to what we partake in with others. There was a time when Christians especially tried to tell people what they could and could not watch or listen to. I don’t believe that is ever going to work or help people find God. I am not writing this blog to be legalistic. I am just asking that whatever you do, you stay aware of how it affects those around you.
In pop culture today, it has never been more clear how frail people in the entertainment industry are. With suicides, drug, and alcohol problems and many celebrities looking for God, I hope people realise that entertainment affects people on both sides of the screen.
There is a scripture that says, “Everything is permitted, but not everything is beneficial”. The next time you decide to watch a series or listen to music, I know the last thing you want to do is think. But maybe consider two things before you press play or buy your popcorn:
- How will this benefit me?
- How will this affect the people around me?
When it comes to communication, I am a bit of a nerd. I love looking at art and studying how it communicates with its audience. No matter what you try to tell yourself, what you watch, listen to, and read will shape how you see life. All I ask is that you stay aware of that while you enjoy the God-given talents of those who are entertaining you.
If you feel vulnerable, have struggled with addiction or want a change in life, can I encourage you start by focusing on Jesus first, before allowing the world around you to have its say? If you want to find out more, click on the link below.