You’d be hard-pressed to find somebody in this world who would tell you that he or she doesn’t want to succeed. I don’t think I’d be generalizing much to state that, in one way or another, we all want to succeed. What may differ and what makes us unique as humans is our definition of success and the level at which we want to be successful. If it’s true that we all want to succeed, how do we go about getting there?
Much has been written about success and, generally speaking, much of it has centered on steps, keys and ways. “Let me show you 10 steps to getting what you want”, “Here are 7 ways to climbing the corporate ladder”. Very little, however, has put emphasis on the spiritual dimension of success. For all the advice on things we can do, there hasn’t been much said about what must happen in our hearts. The reality, though, is that much of what we see on the outside is a manifestation of a journey that started on the inside.
The key question we want to challenge you with very simply in this post is, “What do you believe?” If you can work out very clearly for yourself what your beliefs are – those fundamental values you hold within you as truth – you will be well on your way to getting to where you need to be.
Celebrated billionaire, media mogul and philanthropist, Oprah Winfrey, shares her thoughts on this very powerfully in the video below:
Ultimately, only you know what you really believe. If you want to achieve great things, you must believe great things about yourself. As Oprah mentions, there is a belief system that tells us that “With God, all things are possible”. You too can get on a path where God becomes central in your life and shapes the way you see yourself and the very things you believe. If you want to know more, please click on the banner below this post. We’d love to talk to you about God and faith.