For 29 years of my life I had the most amazing grandfather any boy could ask for. He was full of life, full of wisdom and always had a funny joke up his sleeve. He had the stamina of an ox and could take out an army if he had to, but he’d hardly hurt a fly. He lived for every moment and maximized the days given to him. He never asked what the time was, he would simply say “what does the enemy say?” This always puzzled me, why would he liken time to the enemy?
In November 2013 he passed away at the ripe age of 93. Needless to say I struggled to cope with his passing and found it very difficult to move on. Today it has become clear why he would liken time to the enemy. We all have a certain amount of days given to us on this earth, my pa, had around 34090 days of life, and boy did he live it well!!
How aware are you and I of this thing called “The Enemy”? Do we just rush through this life wishing each day away, sitting in front of the TV night after night becoming older by the minute, or are we making the most of every opportunity, living the best life we possibly can, being the best neighbor you could be to the person next door? Wherever you are and however old you might be, remember, it’s never too late to make a difference in someone else’s life!
Lets take up the challenge to live our lives well by being the best we can be and making the most of every moment! If you need some advice or help in making the most out of your life, click on the banner below and make contact with us.