I have found that there are two main misconceptions when it comes to this topic:
- What we believe pleases God
- What we believe displeases Him
What pleases God:
It’s not about showing up to church on a Sunday. It’s not about being ‘nice’ – a version of passive aggression that holds a wafer-thin facade that is transparent to anyone who looks close enough. It’s not about being sensible and serious. It’s not about waking up at ridiculous hours to pray. It’s not about any type of human effort. It’s not about being isolated and left out. It’s not about knowing everything. It’s not about being right.
I understand that from the outside looking in on modern-day Christianity, it may look like pleasing God is exhausting and boring and difficult. But there is something that even Christians need to be reminded of:
God made mankind. And when He saw Adam and Eve, He said they were good. Our very existence pleases God – before we have done, said or thought anything.
What displeases God:
Just as I have said that our very existence pleases God, anything that detracts from our original intended existence will displease Him. Sin is the overall umbrella for the many different ways we have been able to disappoint and grieve our Creator. Whatever harms us – His creations (body, soul and spirit) – is what displeases God.
But religion has set in some terrible boundaries that have been completely miscommunicated God’s intentions. Having fun in church and with friends does not displease God. Neither does wealth or prosperity displease Him. Both of those things are a clear part of His own nature. God is not disappointed when you rest – He loves it! He is not angry when you stand up for yourself. He does not condemn you when some people don’t like you. Your mistakes are not punished, but welcomed as lessons by God. He is pleased when you are honest with yourself and those around you. He is not hurt by you grappling with the issues of your belief in Him. He is not disconcerted by you in any way. He will only ever hate whatever kills the essence and out working of who you are.
He made us to be happy – to be fulfilled and full of His glory. But it is our decision whether we will live the way He intended – a way that will edify and bless us – or live our own way – which is blind and destructive in the long run.
If you would like to find out more about the life God originally intended for you to have – click on the link below. The journey back into the will of God is not always easy, but definitely rewarding. If you choose Him it may look like you have to change a lot of your lifestyle, but He gives you the desire to live better and stronger and enables you all along the way!